How to create your own phishing page and hack Instagram account

                             Hello everyone welcomes to The hackerz spot. In this article, I am gone to show you how to create your own phishing page for any website.

How to instagram account by phishing attack

NOTE ⚠-Don,t use this method in illegal activities use only for educational purposes. If you use this for any illegal activities our page it's not responsible for that. you only have to go to jail.

What is a Phishing attack? 

                      A phishing attack is a dangerous attack to obtain the information of the victim by a single link/fake page. by this phishing link, the hacker can obtain information such as username, passwords, and one-time password(OTP) of any social media accounts namely Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, etc, and also credit card details.

How to prevent from phishing page?

To prevent your accounts from phishing attacks don't sign in to unofficial/fake websites. Most of the phishing page links come through e-mail/Gmail. 

               And most of the peoples lost their accounts by get log in the webpages that looking similar to the original websites.

How to create your own phishing page for Instagram?

you can also easily create a phishing page with the help of HTML, CSS, and PHP for any websites/social media accounts.

Watch this video for your reference

Step 1-Go to 000webhost.

Step 2-create an account with a google account/email Id.

Step 3-create a website by clicking a new project and give a good name to the website.

Step 4-upload the 3 files into file manager of 000webhost.

Step 5-Share the generated link to the victim.

Click here to download phishing files(HTML, CSS, and PHP)

Final words

                         I hope this article is very helpful for you. And once again please don't use this phishing link for illegal activities. Comment below if you have any trouble. Thank you for visiting!!!


  1. I am unable to download the zip file that is uploaded on drive. Please help me through that.


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